Newsflash: You Don’t Kill the Ego!

You don’t kill the ego, because to kill the ego means to kill your human self. Over the years, I’ve heard so many in spiritual and new age communities assert, with great conviction, that the only way to achieve enlightenment is to kill their ego. These people fail to realise, however, that without the ego, you couldn’tContinue reading “Newsflash: You Don’t Kill the Ego!”

Neuroplasticity: Dissolving the Old-Self

For the most part, the human brain is a record of the past. All our past experiences, memories, beliefs, unconscious perceptions and habits are stored within the circuitry of our brain. The neurological network is a matrix formed by clusters of nerve cells. Many believe that once they’re set in their ways, that it’s, atContinue reading “Neuroplasticity: Dissolving the Old-Self”

The Benefits of Mental Rehearsal

Modern science is finally catching up with what the ancients have been teaching since time immemorial, for example, the impact our thoughts have on our experience of physical reality. One thing researchers are coming to terms with is that, if performed in the correct state, there’s literally no difference in mental visualisation and actual physical experiences─both affectContinue reading “The Benefits of Mental Rehearsal”

Be Still, Be Chill: Align With The Divine Will

Stillness is our fundamental nature; it is the essence of who we are. Most of the time, there is a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions fluctuating within us; in the eye of that storm dwells our consciousness. Beyond the turbulence of the human condition exists a transcendent reality which is untouched by the transitory, forever fleeting scenesContinue reading “Be Still, Be Chill: Align With The Divine Will”